No company in the South Plains Region has a more qualified staff completely focused on precision ag and GPS guidance. Our team of 12 full-time
Precision Ag Consultants and Technicians has over 40 years of GPS, GIS and Precision Ag experience in all aspects of the industry - from in-the-field
farm knowledge all the way to Ph.D level education. When it really matters, you can depend on the professionals at South Plains Precision Ag.
If you've worked with your Trimble Autopilot or other precision ag product and it's not working within 10 minutes, we expect a phone call. 90% of all
technology issues can be solved over the phone in minutes. For all those other issues, we have Precision Ag Technicians strategically located around
the South Plains that can be in the field when you need them. Whether by phone or in the field, SPPA delivers professional service and support to ensure
you keep going - when it really matters.